A Little Bug

Du hast Dein Profil noch nicht mit unserem Teamspeak-Server synchronisiert! >>> Klick hier <<< und erfahre wie die Synchronisation funktioniert!
Du hast Deine SteamID noch nicht in Deinem Profil hinterlegt! >>> Klick hier <<< und erfahre, wie Du Die SteamID in Dein Profil einträgst und kassiere damit DAUERHAFT 4x Levelboost!
  • Good Day,

    I recently found your ts3 server and i wanted to create a new identity to become a verified user but i recevied this message from the bot

    With the help of EL | Praktikanto the problem was solved for me. But maybe others also have it.

    Thank you.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hi there,

    to be able to narrow it down: Is it possible that you were moved to the AFK area by the bot during the verification process? Or changed the channel?

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    I was indeed moved by the bot after a while but the message came instantly after i selected my identity on forum and got to the next step.

    Ok, so you went through the verification process, got moved from the bot, and then back into the channel (or another channel)?

    Then it might have something to do with it.

    I've contacted the developer and will let you know as soon as I have new information. Thanks for your help

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Good morning,

    I have now gone through all scenarios - all with the same result: The error is not reproducible. Regardless of whether I changed the channel or left Teamspeak during the ongoing verification process, I always got the verification code displayed. Even when I entered the verification code incorrectly, I couldn't provoke the error message from you.

    Is there anything else that could affect this? Do you have any plugins running in the teamspeak client? Are you logged in via a proxy/VPN network?

    As a workaround for your friends, go to the channel above the entrance hall

    ⫸⫸ Verify your Account ⫷⫷

    you will not be moved from this channel. So this should work temporarily.

    I haven't gotten an answer from the developer yet, I'll get back to you as soon as I know more.

    I was indeed moved by the bot after a while but the message came instantly after i selected my identity on forum and got to the next step.

    What were you doing before this happened? I'm just trying to understand what's going on here :)

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